Bianca's Dog Training is a proud member of the AnimalKind accreditation program. We follow science-based, humane training standards and have earned the AnimalKind stamp of approval from the BC SPCA.

Building a trusting bond with your dog takes time and patience.
Reward-based training is not only better for the well being of your dog, it has also proven to be more effective than aversive training. As an AnimalKind accredited business, we follow a set of science-based standards and are audited by the BC SPCA.
Give your dog the life skills to be successful in the modern world.
It’s appealing when someone comes along with a training solution that promises immediate “results”, but behaviour challenges can take many months and even years to change. As an AnimalKind accredited business, we can help you formulate a humane plan to help your dog.
A skilled and qualified AnimalKind dog trainer can help you understand your dog.
Don’t know when your dog is fearful or when she’s frustrated? To many people, barking, lunging, and jumping up all look the same. A skilled and qualified AnimalKind dog trainer can help you understand what your dog is feeling and provide a humane, effective training plan.
Have you heard of any of these dog training myths? The reality is that reward-based training builds mutual trust and enriches the relationship you share with your dog – so it’s important to understand myth vs. reality. We are AnimalKind accredited and can help you navigate through the murky terrain.